a1e5b628f3 With 6 digit serial number and matching number 8 Round Magazine (8+1) - Is the Chinese version of the Russian Tokarev made by Norinco used in the Korean War, Vietnam War and later. Shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for NORINCO Gun Parts. . magazine for Norinco 213 tokarev pistol. Good condition with serial number on base . Find used Tokarev 9Mm for sale on . Used steel 8 rd magazine for Norinco 213 tokarev cz-52 7.62x25 tokarev 8 . steel, worn, pistol, serial, number, base . Norinco Model 213 Semi-automatic Pistol, 20th century, serial number 201188, 9mm caliber, black plastic grips with star emblem, blued finish, . Shop for 213 Schematics with Numrich Gun Parts.
Norinco 213 By Serial Number
Updated: Mar 8, 2020